Dear Catherine and DragonFighter,

Note: Catherine is my little sis, that’s her screen name. DragonFighter is my younger brother’s screen name.

Dear Catherine and DragonFighter,

I want to tell you something. You will probably never read this letter. But if you do, I want to tell you that every time you said something I heard you. Sometimes, everyone was talking, but I still heard you. Great, I’m starting out sentimental! Yes I’m weird, and I take everything you say to heart. I’m a tenderhearted girl, and things can hurt more than you will ever know. But I also want to say that every time you argue, it drives me nuts. Lots of times you are both just being suborn donkeys! I love you, I couldn’t live without you, but you drive me up the wall. Sometimes I think I miss stuff, working on the computer (blogging!) takes me into a different world that you aren’t part of yet. At eight and ten you don’t even have email. I like that, you are very innocent. (Well…. not always!) I’m finding I don’t want to play Legos, barbies or dolls. I’m finding that dressing up bores me pretty quickly. I guess I’m growing up- and away. I’m glad I share a room with you, Catherine, even if I do complain. At times I wish you would just understand what I’m going through, but I also love the fact that sometimes, when we are in strange places, it’s just the three of us. The Marchize kids. Remember playing together? Remember moving? It all brought us so close together. And I love that. Thanks for all the memories!

Your loving big sis,